Salaried GP, Peterborough

Up to 8 sessions – This exciting vacancy is for an additional Salaried GP to join our friendly team.

  • Starting salary is £11,000 per session which will be reviewed at 6 months.
  • GOOD CQC December 2022.
  • Practice commitment for a safe and manageable workload.
  • Supportive practice multi-disciplinary team.
  • SystmOne Computer system.
  • Aspirations towards becoming a Green Practice.
  • Training Practice, ST1,2 &3 and FY2 along with Medical Students.
  • Tier 2 Visa Sponsor.

Fellowship offer – For a newly qualified there is a local Fellowship in General Practice, designed specifically for newly qualified GPs. Can provide you with a 2–year programme of support and education. As part of this fellowship scheme, you will benefit from early career learning, mentorship, peer support and coaching.

Nene Valley Hodgson Medical Practice has two sites; Nene Valley, Clayton, Orton Goldhay Peterborough PE2 5GP & Hodgson, Hodgson Avenue, Werrington, Peterborough, PE4 5EG we look after 19,200 patients across the two sites. We have a good mix of male and female Partners, Salaried GPs and ANPs.

Team – We have a very experienced multidisciplinary team in place including ANP’s, our own Community Matrons who look after our nursing home and complex end of life patients, Practice Nurses, HCA’s, with Pharmacists, Social Prescribers, Care Co-ordinators and a Pharmacy Technician through the ARRS funding route. We are a high achieving, well organised practice, who use SystmOne and Arden’s.

Specialist roles – We have weekly Clinical Meetings and monthly Clinical Governance afternoons. We encourage staff to undertake CPD and have staff who also undertake specialist roles, such as LTC, mental health, minor operations, women's health and clinical research.

Training – Our Nene Valley site is a GP Training Practice, in addition we host Foundation year 2 Doctors and Medical Students from Cambridge University, so an interest in teaching and training would be both encouraged and supported.

Clinical Research – We have an active clinical research contract with the local CRN, one of our partners is our active research Principal Investigator.

Job plan – you will have a job plan to help map out your day to day workload.

If you are interested in this exciting vacancy and want to find out more information about what we are offering then please contact Helena Papworth, Business Manager in the first instance:; or 01733 366604.

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